jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019


first we are given enough  to understand 
how it feels when something takes it all away 
as we grow up in mind and age 
fear of feeling helpless usually makes us crumble and gives us the shakes 
but our heartbeat keeps its boom boom through the flames 
for some reason we fight our memories and believe we found the real change 
we meet someone who has the real strength 
the one and only who makes the best even from our most grey days 
it numbs all the fear, we forget why we were scared 
our heartbeat feels now like its dancing with its boom boom all the way 
we get a reason to wake up, that's so new we are like damn 
guess that's what happiness  feels like then 
everything sounds as an opportunity, you get to play the game 
only to later realize you can't build your castle with someone else's hands
we are paralysed, suddenly we get to know pain 
our one and only cutting out our wings and kicking us right into hell 
by that time our heartbeat became a heartless sound without rhythm 
even though we're not believers, praying became our true hymn 
we feel so lonely we start talking to ourselves, 
frequently wondering if we are going insane 
we beg our beloved one please, one more time to stay 
we feel so lucky they say yes 
we feel so lucky they forgive us again 
as time goes by, we start feeling so lucky we are becoming perfect for them 
we start feeling so lucky they are helping us to stop being useless and become great 
mostly, we start feeling so lucky when they don't scream at us because they think we've failed 
we feel so lucky when they forgive us once again...
we feel so lucky this isn't the time we break 
we feel so lucky... what was feeling anyway? 
the whole motion of life stops for a while,
and that's enough for us to understand 
we're done here, nothing we thought we knew was ok 
its time to leave and this one we won't say "thanks"
we feel like we're floating in the void of silence and nonsense 
we even get to think of marrying death 
but there's a second thought where now we have so little we feel fearless in some way 
we take that shove and punch ourselves right in the face 
so we guess we're awake 
we're alone, in our void, thinking how much we hope everything is well 
as soon as loneliness hits our veins 
we start talking to ourselves a second time and it seems great 
turns out we can be our best friend
we talk about this path we shared 
we laugh and compare 
we are so full and complete
we stop looking in others and think
what is the real meaning
we feel like we're looking at ourselves from the ceiling
it's like we're about to fall but we're beaming
at the same time our insides are steaming
from nowhere we get this one feeling
we see now there's no savior
it's all about our own behaviour
how willing we are to make us a favour
by now our heart became an honoured senior
with its boom boom playing in stereo
we can fly all over the scenario 

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019

Sonido Sucio

Carente de emociones y autodestructivo, sin metas que cumplir y sueños efímeros de un solo día. Busco distorsiones de depresión y fobia social, o quizás una vorágine que se consume en cenizas, o tal vez el caminar en planos alternos donde el tiempo crea la nada...
Huyendo de todo lo responsable y ansiando perderme en humo etéreo. No existe la voluntad, cuenta atrás para un nublado neuronal, donde todo se interpone sin avisar, y los tropiezos cuentan los pasos.

Pensaba que así estaría mas cerca. Pero ahora veo que no encuentro la salida, y me quedo buscando sus ojos, esos vórtices verdes que gangrenan la cordura. Ahora solo pretérito, ahora solo vacío...
Ni las palabras cobran sentido y empiezo a pensar en el alcohol. Un impulso remanente de lo que fui, un intento de regresar cuando todo giraba en torno a una personalidad espontanea.

Una forma de pensar donde el No es ley, donde la negatividad asola todo rastro de intento. Ahora soy un aparte del trayecto, un proyecto sin futuro...
Y aun así me atrae. Como un ocaso teñido de melancolía, sin poder volver a cuando era color. Echando atrás aquello que fue dejando paso a una verdad interior, o un placebo que me ayude a sostener los pilares que tanto deterioro. Concédeme un destino sin velocidad, requiriendo soledad revitalizante, esa que suena a sucio. Ella sabe cual es, sin querer acabó siendo parte de la convulsión creativa, pero perdió el norte y ahora camina sola, sin sonido ni intenciones. Está lejos, pero quiere volver a quedarse.

¿Y era un intento de alcanzar el infinito lo que consumió toda luz al final?¿Tan impulsivo fuí que me lancé al vacío que prometía la eternidad sin atar una cuerda?

No es un logro, solo un modo de huir. Ahora me di cuenta...